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Single crystal Characterization Physical properties dHvA effect Pressure

Physical properties

Transport properties
We measure the electrical resistivity using conventional four probe AC method. At low temperatures, we use the bridge circuit to reduce the heating effect. Applying the magnetic field, we can measure the Hall resistivity and magnetoresistance. To measure transport properties, we use hand-made glass dewar (>700 mK) and two dilution refregertor with superconducting magnet (50 mK / 8 T and 20 mK/17 T).

Magnetic properties (1T/2-300K)
MPMS (Magnetic Properties Measuremet System) enable us to measure magnetic properties at the magnetic field range of 0-1 T and the temperature range of 2-300 K.

AC specific heat
We can measure the AC heat capacity and resitivity simultaneously by additing Au-Fe line which is responsible for the thermometer and heater to the four probe setting.