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Single crystal Characterization Physical properties dHvA effect Pressure

Instruments of single crystal growth

Tetra arc furnace
It has four tungsten tourches and can melt materials by arc discharge. The maximum temperature is about 2000 ℃.

High-frequency furnace
The crucible is heated up by high frquency induction heating. The homogeneity of tempeture is better than that of tetra arc furnace. However, the highest temperature is limited to about 1,500 ℃ due to the high reactivity of materials with the crucible.

Morisili furnace
It is made of MoSi with the maximum temperature of 1500 ℃. Single crystals are grown by a temperature gradient or moving a crucible away from the heater.

Hand-made furnace
We curl resistance wire (Kanthal) around a core tube and make a electric furnace for ourselves.

Muffle furnace
We can put on about 10 ampouls with the maximum temperature of 1200 ℃.

Heating up to the temperatures higher than melting point of flux, we centrifuge with the rotation spreed of 1000-1500 rpm.

Applying a large current of ~40 A under ultra high vacuum of 10-8 Pa condition, the single crystals are purified by the Joule heat.